Since its formation, the AGA has been active in providing a suitable forum for visitors from either country to meet with nationals of the host country, often over a dinner or luncheon. The AGA has played host to a large number of visitors from Germany, occupying positions of responsibility and influence in areas of government, industry, commerce, banking, trade unions and culture.
Membership of the AGA is on a personal basis and the Association is keen to welcome new members who have a real interest in furthering and strengthening the economic and cultural relationships between Australia and the Federal Republic of Germany.
Rules of the Australian German Association Inc
The AGA was incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Vic) in 2002. A copy of the Rules may be obtained from AGA’s Executive Officer.
Membership Application Form
The AGA welcomes new members with a real interest in furthering and strengthening the economic and cultural relationships between Australia and the Federal Republic of Germany.